
21 October 2008

Got vacum

I had been got vacuum for many weeks on this blog. Do you know the reason? The reasons are: First, my internet connection was disconnected – now I have not my 24 hour internet connection, this was caused I had moved to other place for my live place – and there are no internet connection which can I used – so sad. Second, I was loosed many ideas, fooh… -- no inspiration. Now I try to wake up from my vacuum of blogging.


  1. aslmkm..apa khabar? hehe..lama gak update blog..sama dgn saya..skarang lagi sibuk dgn kerja..kamu skarang dimana?? masih study?

  2. waalaikumslm... kabar baik... Aku masih di Bandung, iya masih study... East bagaimana website iklan yang akan kamu buat? Sudah selesai...?
